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How to Have a Smooth Face

At birth, our skin, especially that on our face is smooth, soft and flawless just like silk but over the years this changes. Many factors such as poor diet, stress, summer heat, cold winter air, cosmetics, environmental pollutants and many others start to make our skin rough. If you, like many people, suffer from this rough skin, you are in luck because there are several simple things you can do to help regain the smooth skin on your face.

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How to Have a Smooth Face

     1. Apply Lemon, Honey and Olive Oil Face Mask
Honey works as both a skin cleanser and an anti-inflammatory because it fights damage to your skin and its antioxidants reduce any signs of aging. The lemon has plenty of vitamin C as well as other nutrients that can help skin problems in addition to giving a glow, reducing dark spots and lightening your skin. Women in ancient times used olive oil to help get beautiful skin as this ingredient can give a glow and help with elasticity.
To make the face mask take equal amounts of the olive oil, honey and lemon and then apply it with a cotton ball. Leave it on for 20 minutes then rinse it off with lukewarm water or leave it on overnight rinsing it off in the morning.
Moisturizing helps the top layer of the skin retains moisture which in turn allows it to stay smooth. The best time to use a moisturizer is right after your shower as the leftover moisture from your shower will be retained as well as the added bit from the treatment. Another idea is to apply it after washing your hands and right before you go outside in cold weather.
If you have normal skin (not too oily or too dry), try a water-based moisturizer. If your skin is dry, you should use a heavier one that is oil based as this won’t evaporate as easily. People with oily skin should also opt for water-based options.

3. Remove Blemishes from Your Face

If you suffer from blemishes such as acne, you can remove them with a few simply treatments. A salicylic acid toner or gel will naturally exfoliate the skin, removing acne and preventing its formation. Benzoyl peroxide (either a spot treatment or lotion) is another great treatment for moderate to severe acne. You can also use pore cleaners or face masks, both ones already made and homemade options. If you still have problems, you can talk to your dermatologist as there are more intense treatment options available.

4. Get Rid of Winkles

Wrinkles develop as we age because our skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag. These can be an unsightly occurrence and can ruin otherwise smooth skin. The good news is that there are several creams available on the market that can eliminate them as well as natural options.
Two great examples of homemade cleansers that help eliminate wrinkles are one with milk and honey and one combining lemon juice with sugar.

5. Cleanse and Exfoliate

One of the most important things to do to learn how to have a smooth face is to clean it regularly. Ideally you should use a cleanser that is soap free twice a day as this will get rid of any dirt and oil on your skin and in turn allow it to glow and feel smooth.
It is also very important that you remove any makeup before going to sleep. Every woman knows they should but most of us simply feel too sleepy or simply too lazy to actually do so. The problem is that if you leave your makeup on overnight, your skin will become dull and you increase your chances of developing a breakout.
You should also be sure to exfoliate your skin regularly as this is necessary to remove any dead cells that have accumulated.

6. Protect Yourself Against the Sun

Sun is the biggest source of damage to the skin so you should always protect it to avoid symptoms of overexposure to the sun such as rough or dry skin, freckles, wrinkles, age spots and skin cancer. The best way to do this is to avoid the sun when it is strongest which is usually between 10 am and 4pm and if you must go outside, always cover your skin as much as you can with your clothing and wide-brimmed hats. You should also use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 and always check that it is sweat-proof and water-resistant.

7. Maintain a Proper Diet

Everyone has heard the expression “you are what you eat” and when it comes to your skin, it is very accurate. If you want your skin to stay smooth, you should eat foods that have high quantities of vitamins A, B1, B6, C and D. Vitamin A and vitamin C are especially great at achieving smoother skin by preventing spots as well as other growths later on in life. It is also a good idea to eat lots of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitamins from fruits, vegetables and tea as all of these substances will protect your skin from disease and keep it smooth.
The most important part of a healthy diet for your skin, however, is water. Keep in mind that most of the human body is water and you need to maintain the proper balance to keep your skin hydrated.

8. Keep a Healthy Lifestyle

Of course keeping a healthy lifestyle is good for your overall health but few people realize that it can also help you have a smooth face. When you exercise you will increase your blood circulation which in turn allows your skin to receive more nutrients. It can even help minimize wrinkles by increasing your body’s production of collagen.
Smoking, on the other hand, can harm the skin as it can make the skin turn yellow or brown in color. Alcohol can also cause problems as it leads to problems in the liver which in turn results in a yellowish hue to your skin.
In order to have a perfectly smooth face, the number one key is consistent and constant maintenance. Relaxing even for a day can set you way back, just as soon as you make progress. Work on skin maintenance every day if you really want results.
Make a face scrub by mixing 3 parts of baking soda to 1 part water.Baking soda will draw out impurities in your skin and also scrub away dead skin cells.
  • Alternatively, use a sugar scrub .
  • Never use a salt scrub. This dries out your skin and draws away essential oils and minerals.
Turmeric, a spice which you can buy in bulk cheaply from most grocery stores, is used around the world as an effective folk medicine. Mix 1 part plain yogurt to 1 part turmeric and mix them into a paste. Spread this on your face (after you've washed it) and wash the paste off, thoroughly, after 20 minutes.
  • Avoid getting it in your eyes.
  • Don't apply this mask too often or if you have very fair skin. Turmeric stains skin temporarily, so it's not a good idea to leave it on for too long or apply it too often.
  • Only rinse with water and do not use soap. The natural bacteria in the yogurt will help keep your face clear.
  • Turmeric will also stain sheets and towels.
Get a bottle of apple cider vinegar and pour a little onto some toilet paper or other disposable face cloth. Rub this on your face and allow it to sit for 2 minutes before washing it off.
  • Only rinse with water and do not use soap. The natural bacteria in the vinegar will help keep your face clear.
  • It does have a smell, but this fades as soon as it dries.
 Mix 1 part honey to 1 part plain yogurt until it is completely blended. Spread the mixture on your face (after you've washed it) and wash the mixture off, thoroughly, after 20 minutes.

Germs, dirt, oils, and other impurities you introduce to your face is what causes all those blemishes, pimples, and blackheads for even the most fastidious face-cleaners. To avoid this you should try to change your pillow frequently, stop touching your face, and even consider occasionally cleaning and disinfecting things like eyeglasses.

How to Grow Longer Eyelashes Naturally

After you fall into a daily remove-and-brush routine, try these natural remedies to pump up your lashes even more.
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How to Grow Longer Eyelashes Naturally

1. Olive Oil

Olive oil is a known natural remedy for encouraging hair growth. For application of olive oil, use an oil mascara stick after cleaning it thoroughly. Dip the applicator stick with olive oil and apply carefully on your lashes before bedtime. Leave it overnight for the action to take place. The hair follicles will be moisturized and nourished overnight and after 2- 3months of regular and diligent application, you will start seeing results. Wash off the oil in the morning with lukewarm water.

2. Castor Oil

Just like olive oil, castor oil is another powerful follicle stimulating oil that can be used on your lashes for lashes that are lustrous and voluminous. Known for its medicinal qualities, castor oil nourishes the skin as well as hair follicles, thereby stimulating hair growth. Use the applicator stick for applying castor oil on the lashes and either leave it all day or overnight depending on your convenience.
Continue application for 2-3 months. Castor oil is very viscose and may cause discomfort while application. However, the results are sure to surface after a few months. Castor oil as well as olive oil draws out the impurities from the follicles and stimulate hair growth.

3. Green Tea

Brewed, chilled green tea is filled with antioxidants and antibacterial properties that are super beneficial for hair. It’s gentle enough to have near your eye lids, and those flavonoids that naturally occur in green tea can keep your eyelashes healthy as well as stimulate growth.

4. Almond Oil

Rich in vitamin E and antioxidant qualities, almond oil too can help the lashes to thrive under its nourishment and care. Apply before bedtime and leave overnight ad morning as well for optimum results. It is important to clean the oil with warm water after each application of an oil to prevent the clogging of pores. Clogged pores can inhibit eyelash growth again and can also cause acne on your skin.

5. Lemon Peel

Lemon peel can be used along with olive oil or castor oil in order to increase the stimulation capacity of the oils and add volume and growth to your eyelashes. For preparing a potent oil with lemon peel, take adequate amounts of olive oil or castor oil and add a slice of moderately dried lemon peel into it.
Leave it for about a week or so for the oil to get infused with the qualities of lemon peel. Once the oil has been fortified with the nutrients and the scent of lemon, you can use the applicator stick for applying the oil on your eyelashes.Leave it overnight and wash off with warm water. Again, do not expect immediate results for this treatment. Wait for a few months before you see encouraging results.

6. Brushing Your Eyelashes

Just like brushing your hair will stimulate hair growth, brushing your lashes too can cause it to grow abundantly. An eyelash brush with soft bristles can be purchased from any beauty shop and used for this purpose. Gently brush the lashes every day in morning with soft, upward strokes; starting from the tip of the lashes and moving upward.

Remember not to do it for more than ten minutes a day . It is also important to avoid harsh brushing as it will cause the eyelashes to fall out. Continue this every day until you see desired results. You must continue brushing even after eyelash growth in order to keep the lashes growing.

7. Petroleum Jelly

The use of petroleum jelly can stimulate eyelash growth with frequent application. Apply petroleum jelly on your lashes with an applicator stick just before sleep and leave it overnight. Petroleum jelly will moisturize the eye lashes and prevent dryness, which can make the lashes look thinner and less voluminous. With increased moisture, the lashes will appear heavy and thick and the hair follicles will also be stimulated to grow thicker due to the increased moisture.

How to Grow Thick Eyebrows Naturally

Natural remedies on how to make eyebrows thicker:
Natural remedies to make thicker eyebrows are said to be effective, safe as they do not cause any side effects. To get more hair growth on your eyebrows, follow these simple tips:
Applying castor oil on eyebrows can really help in making them thick.
Apply Vaseline on and around your eyebrows twice or thrice a day. It will moisturize and condition the area, thereby, helping in thickening of your eyebrows.
Coconut oil is very well-known for inducing hair growth. Apply lukewarm coconut oil on your eyebrows and leave it for the whole night for getting desired results.
Almond oil is enriched with vitamin E. Application of almond oil on a regular basis will add volume to your eyebrows.
Olive oil is exceptionally good natural nourishing product. Massage olive oil on your brows on a regular basis to make them fuller and thicker.
Aloe vera gel is a proven remedy for thick brows. Besides boosting up the growth of your eyebrows, it also helps in softening and adding shine to the skin around the brow.
Yes, onion juice is a little bit stinky, but an awesome remedy for broadening your eyebrows! Put a cotton ball, soaked in onion juice, on your eyebrows and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Then, use cold water to rinse off.
Coconut milk is also very good for hair growth. Try coconut milk on your eyebrows.
Apply beaten egg yolk on your eyebrows to volumize them.
Fenugreek seeds are very beneficial for enhancing the growth of brows. Soak fenugreek seeds overnight. Prepare a paste and apply it on your eyebrows. This remedy will surely help you out.
Kohl and olive oil, when used together, serves a great remedy for getting thick eyebrows. Kohl will provide dark colour and olive oil will help in thickening your brows.
The paste of shoe flower is very good for making your brows thick and attractive.
13. Lemon
Slice a lemon and rub it on your brows for getting thicker eyebrows.
14. Milk
Take some milk in a bowl. Dip a cotton ball in it and rub it on your eyebrows. Regular use of this remedy will definitely give you the desired results.
Important Tips:

Sometimes, deficiency of Vitamins can hamper hair growth. So its beneficial to eat foods rich in Vitamins B, C, E and H (Biotin) or also to take multi-vitamin tablets/capsules after seeking doctor’s advice.
Avoid picture perfect threading of eyebrows, as it sometimes ruin the natural eyebrow shape.
If you have naturally thin eyebrows avoid shaping them. However, slight modifications are fine as long as they don’t play with the shape and width.
Any lotion or makeup, if applied on the eyebrows, tends to weaken them. Naturally, the tiny hairs tend to fall off or take a long time in growing back. It is best not to apply any lotion on the eyebrow, unless it is for hair growth.
Make sure that the shape of the eyebrows suits your face type, as there are different shapes that suit different face structures.
Also you sometimes can use eyebrow pencils to define your thin eyebrows.
Try avoiding accidental threading and plucking of the eyebrows as this could possibly reduce the hair growth in the area. So just incase it happens, make sure you apply almond, coconut or castor oil to get back the natural hair growth.
To fasten the growth of eyebrows, it is essential to avoid frequent brow makeup. Aggressive rubbing of eyebrows with brow pencil or use of brow dyes deteriorates the brow condition in the long run.
Some of these basic steps, when adapted in your daily routine, will help you keep your eyebrows natural, with excellent shape and texture, thus enhancing your beauty and glow.

How To Make Hair Black Naturally

For the practice please look these videos and please click here How To Make Hair Black Naturally
 These are some home remedies for treating premature graying of hair naturally.
1. Boil a few amla (Indian gooseberry) pieces in coconut oil till they turn black. Apply this mixture on your hair to cure premature graying of hair naturally at home.
2. Grate the ginger, and mix it with a spoon of honey to eat this mixture everyday to treat premature graying of hair naturally.
3. Massage coconut oil, and lemon juice on your scalp to treat premature graying of hair naturally. Follow this home remedy for getting shiny ,and healthy hair naturally.
4. Massage cow's milk butter on your scalp to treat premature graying of hair naturally at home .Follow this easy home remedy twice a week.
5. Boil curry leaves in coconut oil till the leaves become black. Apply on your scalp, and hair roots as a hair tonic for hair loss and bringing back the hair pigmentation .Curry leaves contain a natural pigment to retain the natural color of your hair. Curry leaves can be used with buttermilk, or curd to prevent your hair from becoming gray.
6.Apply the mixture of 2 spoons of henna powder, 1 spoon of yogurt, 1 spoon of fenugreek paste, 3 spoons of coffee, 2 spoons of basil leaves paste, and 3 spoons of mint juice on your hair. Shampoo after 3 hours .Use this home remedy regularly to treat premature graying of hair naturally at home.
7. Put ribbed gourd (torai) in coconut oil for 3-4 hours, and boil this mixture till it turns black. Massage your hair with this oil to cure premature graying of hair.
8. Take 1 spoon of table salt in 1 cup of strong black tea without milk .Massage your hair with this water. Wash off after 1 hour. Follow this home remedy regularly to cure premature graying of hair.
9. The juice of onion is an extremely helpful home remedy in curing premature graying of hair and giving reddish tinge to your hair .This treatment is very helpful in curing baldness, and hair loss naturally at home.
10. Always use a mild herbal shampoo to wash your hair .
11. Apply 1 gm of black pepper, and 1/2 cup of curd for treating premature graying of hair. You can add the juice of lemon in this preparation too.
12. Boil chamomile in water for 20 minutes to make a tea.Let this mixture cool down, and strain it to use this water on your hair to treat premature graying of hair naturally at home.
13. Apply amla paste or, amla oil on your hair to blacken and thicken your hair.
14. Wash your hair with lemon water to treat graying of hair .Lemon is a natural coloring agent that gives brownish tinge to your hair if applied regularly.
15. Mix rosemary, and sage tea in equal amount in 1 cup of water. Steep, and strain the liquid to use as a natural colorant for your hair. Follow this home remedy to color your gray hair naturally at home.
16. Henna mixed in coconut oil is a nice home remedy for bringing back the dark brown color in the hair.
17. Massage amla juice, almond oil, and lemon juice together for curing gray hair. Amla is the best ingredient for the renewal of pigmentation in your hair. Try this home remedy for beautiful, and shiny hair.
18. Soak up a few dried amla pieces for few hours .Use them with the tea decoction, and 1 spoon of eucalyptus oil. Let this mixture stay in an iron container overnight. Apply this mixture with curd, lemon juice, and an egg in the morning. Follow this home remedy as a cure for premature graying of hair once in 15 days.
19. Tea extract in concentration form gives dark brown, or black color.
20. Soak up 10-12 soap nut seeds, and 3 to 4 shikakai(acacia concinna) pods in 1 pint of water .Soak up 10-12 amla pieces separately in 2 cups of water. Boil soap nut seeds with shikakai ,and strain this mixture to make a shampoo at home. Strain the amla mixture separately to use as a conditioner .This home remedy is a boon to your hair whether you suffer from graying of hair, thinning of hair, dull hair, or hair fall .This treatment will cure all hair related problems naturally .
21. Take amla juice orally daily to restore your natural pigment of your hair .Amla juice will prevent premature aging too.
22. Rubbing your fingernails together increases the blood circulation in your scalp to cure gray hair and strengthen the roots to treat hair loss/baldness.
23. Guava's leaves are very effective in curing premature graying of hair.
24. Apply the fresh juice of amaranth to retain the natural pigment of your hair and curing hair loss naturally at home. It is very helpful home remedy.
25. Apply almond oil, and lemon juice for 30-40 minutes as a home remedy to cure premature graying of hair naturally at home.
26. Apply aloe vera gel for curing premature graying of hair naturally at home.
27. Apply rosemary oil to blacken your hair.
28. Boil 250 grams of mustard oil with 60 grams of henna leaves , and apply this preparation on your hair to cure your gray hair naturally.
29. Apply ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) on our scalp to increase the melanin content of your hair. Try this treatment for treating your gray hair.
30. Apply Ligustrum on the hair as a treatment for premature graying of hair naturally at home. It is very popular chinese herb used for restoring the natural color of your hair and curing gray hair naturally.
31. Take biotin to slow down the gray hair's progression naturally at home. Egg yolks,yeast,soyabeans,tomatoes, carrots,cow's milk,goat's milk,oats,walnuts,cucumbers,almonds are some good sources of biotin.
32. Try bhringraj oil (Eclipta alba) for blackening your hair .You can take bhringraj orally to get black ,thick, and shiny hair naturally at home .
33. Never use blow-dryer to dry your hair as it causes gray hair.
34. Try Motia rosha oil on your hair to cure premature graying, splits ends, hair loss and giving luster to your dull hair.Motia rosha oil stimulates the pigment cells of your hair and very helpful in treating gray hair, and insomnia.
35. Soak up henna overnight, and in the morning, apply with walnut pulp for treating premature graying of hair and giving beautiful tinge to your hair naturally at home.
36. Take copper supplement colloidal copper orally to fight premature graying of hair.
37. Apply sesame oil, or olive oil with bottle gourd juice to treat premature graying of hair. This home remedy will give you shiny, black ,and thick hair naturally .
38. Apply henna , the juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 spoon of coffee powder ,and an egg for 45 minutes. This treatment will cure your gray hair naturally at home.
39. Wash your hair with omega-3 rich shampoo, and oils like Emu oil to cure premature graying of hair .The oil containing omega -3 rejuvenates the pigment generating cells called melanocytes.Mira oil can also be tried at home.
40. Apply eugenol oil (clove oil) for treating premature graying of hair naturally .
41. You can try anti-graying tablets, and creams like Melancor, Reminex, Fo-Ti Root, Shen Min ,and Restoria discreet.
42. Steep dried sage leaves in water for 2 hours , and use this preparation for rinsing your hair .This treatment will blacken your gray hair naturally.
43. You should take foods rich in folic acid like dark green vegetables,leafy vegetables,cereals,cowpeas,braised beef's liver,etc.
44. You can take buttermilk with 2 spoons each of yeast ,and wheat germ daily to cure your gray hair.
45. Neem oil prevents graying of hair. Try this home remedy for curing all scalp infections as well.
46. Pour the outer hulls of some black walnuts in water for making tea, and use this preparation as a natural colorant for your gray hair. Black walnut is an excellent natural hair colorant . The effect of this home remedy will last up to 6 weeks in inspite of washing the hair regularly.
47. You can use black walnuts for coloring your gray hair .Boil a few black walnuts in water for 15-20 minutes .Keep on your hair for 30 minutes to color your gray hair naturally at home. Eat 5-6 walnuts daily as they are the rich sources of copper, and zinc. Both are responsible for the formation of melanin.
48. Apply arnica oil on your hair to treat premature graying of hair. Arnica oil is made from the dried arnica flowers.These flowers' anti-inflammatory properties treat premature graying, hair loss / baldness at home naturally.
49. Apply brahmi hair oil for curing premature graying of hair ,dandruff, and splits ends at home naturally.
50. Apply gooseberry with mango seeds on your hair to cure gray hair naturally at home.
Diet- Your diet plays very important role in retaining the natural colour of your hair .Eat foods rich in iron ,vitamin A,B, and minerals . Zinc, and copper are the factors for retaining the pigmentation of your hair. Eat dark green vegetables, yellow fruits , cauliflower ,banana ,tomato, cereals ,kidney ,liver, yogurt, yeast, wheat germ ,etc.Take iron rich foods like sunflower seeds ,red meat ,dried apricots ,wheat, parsley ,etc .Take copper rich foods like sunflower seeds ,almonds ,crab ,oyster ,whole grains , egg yolk ,etc .You must eat iodine rich foods like banana ,carrots ,fish, etc. Take foods rich in anti oxidants for destroying the free radicals which damage the hair cells .Avoid oily ,fried , fatty , and spicy foods . Eat foods rich in para -aminobenzoic acid (PABA)) like kidney,liver,yeast ,whole grains, etc. Minimize the intake of tea, coffee ,and alcohol .Take vitamin B12, and pantothenic acid( vitamin B5 )supplements in your diet. Drink a lot of water.
Other important tips- Always stay away from using harmful chemicals on your hair like hair color ,hair styling gel , etc. Wash your hair 4 times a week to maintain the hygiene of hair to have shiny hair. Use fresh water(not hot) water for washing your hair .Never let the unnecessary worries plague your head to avoid the premature graying of hair .Take care of your hair after severe illness as the condition of your hair worsens after sever illness. Exercise regularly to keep the blood well circulated .Sleep well to avoid gray hair.

Beauty Meaning

Beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction. Beauty is studied as part of aesthetics, sociology, social psychology, and culture. An "ideal beauty" is an entity which is admired, or possesses features widely attributed to beauty in a particular culture, for perfection.

The experience of "beauty" often involves an interpretation of some entity as being in balance and harmony with nature, which may lead to feelings of attraction and emotional well-being. Because this can be a subjective experience, it is often said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

The characterization of a person as “beautiful”, whether on an individual basis or by community consensus, is often based on some combination of inner beauty, which includes psychological factors such as personality, intelligence, grace, politeness, charisma, integrity, congruence and elegance, and outer beauty (i.e. physical attractiveness) which includes physical attributes which are valued on an aesthetic basis.

Standards of beauty have changed over time, based on changing cultural values. Historically, paintings show a wide range of different standards for beauty. However, humans who are relatively young, with smooth skin, well-proportioned bodies, and regular features, have traditionally been considered the most beautiful throughout history.

So ladies there are so many means of Beauty but the real of beauty it is come from your heart as long as you feeling grateful for your physical that the called true beauty.

In this blog i wanna help you to get back of your beauty by naturally.You don't need operation or use cosmetics which containing chemicals that are harmful.Let's be smart,God has created this earth with all inside and i believe all of the illness there are also medicines of them that we can found in this earth.So why have to rush take decision through operation if there is still any ways by naturally.

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